android - How to retrieve data using json parsing when there are multiple inner nodes? -

i trying retrieve data using url using json parsing in android.

i have done following coding not able figure out how parse node present in inner node items.

my json array , codes posted below. please guide me step step.

part of json array

[ {     "items": [         {             "id": "11",             "item_id": "123",             "item_name": "chicken cream soup",             "price": "8",             "currency": "aed",             "category": "soup",             "description": "creamy chicken soup garnish & side helpings",             "unit": "2",             "food_type": "non",             "image_large": "/images_large/chickensoup.jpg",             "image_thumb": "/images_large/chickensoup.jpg",             "timestamp": "6/23/2014 9:49:43 pm",             "promotion": "",             "item_name_arabic": "حساء الطماطم",             "item_name_russian": "",             "currency_arabic": "درهم",             "currency_russian": "",             "description_arabic": "حساء الطماطم",             "description_russian": "",             "note": "",             "nutritional_info": "",             "extrafield_1": "",             "extrafield_2": "",             "preferncess": [                 "no salt",                 "extra sugar"             ],             "preferncess_ids": [                 "1",                 "2"             ],             "price": [                 "4",                 "5"             ],             "preferncess_arabic": [                 "لا الملح",                 "سكر اضافية"             ]         }, 


 try {                 jsonobject jsonobj = new jsonobject(jsonstr);                  // getting json array node                 items = jsonobj.getjsonarray(tag_contacts);                 log.i("json node",""+items);                  // looping through contacts                 (int = 0; < items.length(); i++) {                     jsonobject c = items.getjsonobject(i);                      string id = c.getstring("id");                     //string name = c.getstring(tag_name);                     log.w("myid", id);                                            } catch (jsonexception e) {                 e.printstacktrace();             } 

 // fetch item array  jsonarray  itemobjectarray = jsonstr.getjsonarray("items");   (int = 0; < itemobjectarray.length(); i++) {          // fetch item object @ position          jsonobject  itemobject = itemobjectarray.getjsonobject(i);           // fetch values  itemobject          string idvalue = itemobject.getstring("id");         string notevalue = itemobject.getstring("note");          // fetch array          jsonarrayprefobject = itemobject.getjsonarray("preferncess");          // iterate throgh array         (int = 0; < prefobject .length(); i++) {                   jsonobject p = prefobject .getjsonobject(i);         } } 


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