php - Symfony 2.3: Remember form inputs while visiting another site -

what have:

a form several different input fields etc. interesting part collection field:

$builder->add( 'publicationauthors', 'collection', array (             'type' => new authorpublicationtype(),             'allow_add' => true,             'allow_delete' => true,             'by_reference' => false,             'label' => 'autoren'  )); 

this collection refers formtype, including entity field , order id:

public function buildform(formbuilderinterface $builder, array $options) {     $builder->add( 'author', 'entity', array (             'class' => 'indpubbundle:author',             'multiple' => false,             'label' => 'autor',             'query_builder' => function (entityrepository $er) {                 return $er->createquerybuilder( 'a' )                     ->orderby( 'a.author_surname', 'asc' );             }      $builder->add( 'order_id', 'hidden');     )); } 

via js able add new collection form fields form user can choose several of authors , order them.

what need:

so far, user can choose existing authors due entity field. want enhance form such user able create new authors , use these in form. thought of adding button redirects user new form can create new author. then, after submitting form, user should redirected original form , continue fill out.

the main problem here is, want remember user's previous inputs original form doesn't need start over. there way remember these inputs while user using author creation form?

i thought of remembering data in session, there problem that: if user open new tab, might overwrite old form inputs, since session id same both tabs.

okay found solution satisfying me. basically, take whole form data, serialize , remember in hidden form field. because serialize function returns several signs not useable in html, encode string base64.
