spring data neo4j - What is the correct way to obtain TraversalDescription? -

i using springrestgraphdatabase, sdn 3.1.0 , neo4j 2.1.2.

i struggling find way how obtain traversaldescription instance. see traversaldescription traversaldescription = traversal.description() deprecated. works!

other way suggested elsewhere:

traversaldescription traversaldescription = new traversaldescriptionimpl(); 

does not work since traversaldescriptionimpl removed neo4j 2.x

the third way suggested in neo4j user guide through graphdatabaseservice:

traversaldescription traversaldescription = graphdatabaseservice.traversaldescription() 

but getting:

caused by: java.lang.unsupportedoperationexception: builtin paths supported     @ org.neo4j.rest.graphdb.traversal.resttraversal.evaluator(resttraversal.java:96) 

any ideas?

thanks, milan

traversaldescription = graphdatabaseservice.traversaldescription() 

is indeed correct way obtain traversaldescription() in neo4j 2.x (either embedded or rest).

the problem indicated in message you're getting not you're unable obtain traversaldescription, , in fact confirms obtaining one, trying unsupportedoperation it.

without seeing more of code, can't tell is, check out relevant source code (github):

public resttraversaldescription filter(predicate<path> pathpredicate) {     if (pathpredicate == evaluators.all()) return add("return_filter",tomap("language","builtin", "name","all"));     if (pathpredicate == evaluators.excludestartposition()) return add("return_filter",tomap("language","builtin", "name","all_but_start_node"));     throw new unsupportedoperationexception("only builtin paths supported"); }  public resttraversaldescription evaluator(pathevaluator evaluator) {     if (evaluator == evaluators.all()) return add("return_filter",tomap("language","builtin", "name","all"));     if (evaluator == evaluators.excludestartposition()) return add("return_filter",tomap("language","builtin", "name","all_but_start_node"));     throw new unsupportedoperationexception("only builtin paths supported"); }  public resttraversaldescription evaluator(evaluator evaluator) {     if (evaluator == evaluators.all()) return add("return_filter",tomap("language","builtin", "name","all"));     if (evaluator == evaluators.excludestartposition()) return add("return_filter",tomap("language","builtin", "name","all_but_start_node"));     throw new unsupportedoperationexception("only builtin paths supported"); } 

you'll know of these methods throwing exception based on parameter you're passing in (or @ line number given in stack trace), alter implementation make sure 1 of if's evaluates true throw doesn't reached.
