android - detect what is the phone via the browser -

i sending sms clients download app. in sms want place link, when opened on device, checks whether device has ios , automatically takes app store, if running android, takes google play.

how achieve approach ?

get user agent string , check of 'apple' or 'android'. android has following pattern:

phone pattern: 'android' + 'chrome/[.0-9]* mobile' tablet pattern: 'android' + 'chrome/[.0-9]* (?!mobile)' 

apple appears have works 'apple' , 'iphone' in user agent strings.

apple user agent strings

android user agent strings


assuming want in javascript, have the link navigate html page. in head add this:

<script type="text/javascript">     $(document).ready(function () {         if(navigator.useragent.indexof('android') != -1){             window.location.href = 'linktoplaystore';         }else if(navigator.useragent.indexof('iphone') != -1){             window.location.href = 'linktoapstore';         }     } </javascript> 
