c# - workitem.open() KeyNotFoundException TFS 2013 -

i'm stuck exception "the given key not present in dictionary" indicates value not found in dictionary, strange thing i'm not using dictionary, guess internal code of tfs api of c#. here part of code raising exception :

if (wi.validate().count == 0) {      // save work item submit changes      wi.save(); } else {      console.writeline("following errors encountered when trying save work          item {0} : ", id);      foreach (var e in wi.validate())                         {            console.writeline(" - '{0} '", e);      } }                       // close work item                     wi.close();                       // submit changes database                     submitchangestodatabase(id, author, statuschanged, previouschangetime);                        // open again work item go on other updates                     wi.open(); 

this code part of loop, work item, perform updates using tfs api, after that, change read-only fields directly on database using method submitchangestodatabase. exception raised when invoking method open(). stack trace follows :

system.collections.generic.keynotfoundexception unhandled   hresult=-2146232969   message=the given key not present in dictionary.   source=mscorlib   stacktrace:        @ system.collections.generic.dictionary`2.get_item(tkey key)        @ microsoft.teamfoundation.workitemtracking.internals.workitemhelper.findrevisionindexbydate(int32 tracktimefieldid, list`1 revisions, dictionary`2 latestdata, datetime dt, int32 startindex)        @ microsoft.teamfoundation.workitemtracking.internals.workitemhelper.loadworkitemfielddata(irowsetcollectionhelper tables, iworkitemopenfielddatahelper helper)        @ microsoft.teamfoundation.workitemtracking.client.workitem.loadworkitemfromrowsetinternal(int32 rev, nullable`1 asof, iworkitemrowsets witem)        @ microsoft.teamfoundation.workitemtracking.client.workitem.loadworkitem(int32 id, int32 rev, nullable`1 asof)        @ microsoft.teamfoundation.workitemtracking.client.workitem.open()        @ csvtotfs.tfsserver.setworkitemhistory(int32 id, datatable ticketchange) in d:\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\tfs\csvtotfs\tfsserver.cs:line 253        @ csvtotfs.program.main(string[] args) in d:\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\tfs\csvtotfs\program.cs:line 173        @ system.appdomain._nexecuteassembly(runtimeassembly assembly, string[] args)        @ system.appdomain.executeassembly(string assemblyfile, evidence assemblysecurity, string[] args)        @ microsoft.visualstudio.hostingprocess.hostproc.runusersassembly()        @ system.threading.threadhelper.threadstart_context(object state)        @ system.threading.executioncontext.runinternal(executioncontext executioncontext, contextcallback callback, object state, boolean preservesyncctx)        @ system.threading.executioncontext.run(executioncontext executioncontext, contextcallback callback, object state, boolean preservesyncctx)        @ system.threading.executioncontext.run(executioncontext executioncontext, contextcallback callback, object state)        @ system.threading.threadhelper.threadstart()   innerexception:  

i have had before when team project configured use team field instead of aeea path. if changed , of work items not yet have team specified error.

if create query "yourteamfield.team" set empty , bulk update of work items have value error should go away.


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