jms - Java Trying to Connect to MQ w/ Exits -

i've written standalone java program needs connect ibm mq.

url channeltaburl = new url("file:///c:\\program files (x86)\\ibm\\websphere mq\\data\\"); mqqueuemanager qmgr = new mqqueuemanager("queuemanagername", channeltaburl);  mqqueueconnection connection = (mqqueueconnection) cf.createqueueconnection(); mqqueuesession session = (mqqueuesession) connection.createqueuesession(false, session.auto_acknowledge); mqqueue queue = (mqqueue) session.createqueue("queue:///queuename"); 

the error throwing me reason 2406: mqrc_client_exit_load_error. ibm documentation kind of vague, , i've added exit64 directory classpath. missing here? please let me know if need include additional information.

the mqrc_client_exit_load_error error means there failure load exit on client side. there should nested/linked exception thrown provide more information i.e. classnotfoundexception, why happened. suggest catching exception in code , calling getcause() on exception see if provides more details.

if have added exit64 directory classpath have make sure using 64bit jvm run java application rather 32bit jvm (java -version should provide details).
