gps - Obtaining altitude and heading in leaflet -

im using leaflet mobile app. can gain access e.latlng , e.accuracy no problem e.speed , e.heading return undefined

$scope.makefit = function() {         leafletdata.getmap().then(function(map) {         map.locate({setview: true, maxzoom: 16, watch:true,enablehighaccuracy: true});         map.on('locationfound', onlocationfound);          punto = l.circlemarker([35.80048816577000, 9.634765625], {color: '#136aec', fillcolor: '#2a93ee',fillopacity: 0.7, weight: 2,opacity: 0.9, radius: 4}).addto(map);          function onlocationfound(e) {        var radius = e.accuracy / 2;        punto.setlatlng(e.latlng);        alert(e.altitude);     }          });       }; 

this implementation detail of specific device - phones or computers support heading , speed, don't. it's not leaflet can guarantee, leaflet passes device offers on in event.


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