Set up Http Proxy in Android Studio -

i have read multiple similar questions , documentation have not been able solve issue of getting corporate firewall machine sits behind. error getting 'failed refresh gradle project' unknown host have read , understand lead me believe http proxy issue. have tried setting proxy properties in file in project folder file looks :

# project-wide gradle settings.  # ide (e.g. android studio) users: # settings specified in file override gradle settings # configured through ide.  # more details on how configure build environment visit #  # specifies jvm arguments used daemon process. # setting particularly useful tweaking memory settings. # default value: -xmx10248m -xx:maxpermsize=256m # org.gradle.jvmargs=-xmx2048m -xx:maxpermsize=512m -xx:+heapdumponoutofmemoryerror -    dfile.encoding=utf-8  # when configured, gradle run in incubating parallel mode. # option should used decoupled projects. more details, visit # # org.gradle.parallel=true systemprop.http.proxyport=83 systemprop.http.proxyuser=username systemprop.http.proxypassword=password systemprop.http.auth.ntlm.domain=domain systemprop.https.proxyport=83 systemprop.https.proxyuser=username systemprop.https.proxypassword=password systemprop.https.auth.ntlm.domain=domain 

i have tried setting global gradle settings going file->settings->gradle , setting gradle vm options using: -dhttp.proxyport=83 -dhttp.proxyuser=username -dhttp.proxypassword=password 

i cannot see documentation of else set http proxy setting, please if can.

try add domain gradle global settings -dhttp.proxyport=83 -dhttp.proxyuser=username -dhttp.proxypassword=password -dhttp.auth.ntlm.domain=domain 

it helps me.
