ios - UITableView unwanted white line on each line separator -

i have been using following code tableview

 _comboboxtableview = [[uitableview alloc] initwithframe:cgrectmake(1, _selectcontentlabel.frame.origin.y+_selectcontentlabel.frame.size.height-1, frame.size.width+1, 48) style:uitableviewstyleplain]; _comboboxtableview.layer.bordercolor=[uicolor colorwithred:226.0/255.0 green:226.0/255.0 blue:226.0/255.0 alpha:1].cgcolor; _comboboxtableview.layer.cornerradius = 10; _comboboxtableview.layer.borderwidth = 1.0f; _comboboxtableview.separatorcolor = [uicolor colorwithred:166.0/255.0 green:166.0/255.0 blue:166.0/255.0 alpha:1]; [_comboboxtableview setseparatorstyle:uitableviewcellseparatorstylesingleline]; 

enter image description here there unwanted white color on left of each separator shown below.

is bug? running ios7.1. work around ?

it's not bug. of ios 7, table views capable of adjusting insets of separators. if want edge edge separator, eliminate insets:

if ([_comboboxtableview respondstoselector:@selector(separatorinset)]) { // in case running ios < 7     _comboboxtableview.separatorinset = uiedgeinsetszero; } 

more info in uitableview documentation.


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