angularjs - Build link with parameter (?key=val) with ui-sref directive -

i'm using angular ui-router, state like:

.state('detail', {     url: '/detail/{id}', 

in html file prefer use ui-serf directive build link. example:

<a ui-sref="detail( { id:123 } )">... 

how can build link optional query parameter? example:


i think ui-router way it's not use query parameters, instead of doing:


declare state as

.state('detail', {     url: '/detail/{id}/{format}/{pretty}',     ... 

and using like:


anyway, if want use query format, can out-of-the-box state in doc:

you can specify parameters query parameters, following '?':

url: "/contacts?myparam" // match url of "/contacts?myparam=value" if need have more one, separate them '&':

url: "/contacts?myparam1&myparam2" // match url of "/contacts?myparam1=value1&myparam2=wowcool"

