Subscript Dimension Error When Dynamically Creating Buttons in AutoIt -
i'm writing autoit script make gui buttons looping through array of button definitions.
it's script i'll adding/removing buttons to/from quite often, thought loop makes sense. add button handle, button text, , function name bind button array called $buttons
. button parameters saved row of $buttons
array pipe delimited string.
func make_buttons() local $i = 1 local $bhandles[ubound($buttons)] _arraydisplay($bhandles) $button in $buttons local $params= stringsplit($button,"|") local $top = $i*40 local $left = 10 local $width = 100 global $bhandles[$i] = guictrlcreatebutton($params[1],$left,$top,$width) guictrlsetonevent($bhandles[$i],$params[2]) $i = $i+1 next endfunc
i'm getting error on execution:
global $params[1] = ^error error: missing subscript dimensions in "dim" statement
any clarifying error means appreciated.
@sachadee's answer below clued me along fact athat had been using global
keyword declare handle variable guictrlcreatebutton()
while trying use variable name. leaving off global keyword helped me eliminate error receiving. final button creation lines of code worked this:
func make_buttons() local $i = 1 $button in $buttons local $params= stringsplit($button,"|") local $top = $i*40 local $left = 10 local $width = 100 global $handle = $params[2] & "_handle" $handle = guictrlcreatebutton($params[1],$left,$top,$width) guictrlsetonevent($handle,$params[2]) $i = $i+1 next endfunc
edit :
you're defining array structure local $bhandles[ubound($buttons)]
place [n] elements. you're not defining content of array. , you're trying redefine value global
: global $bhandles[$i] = guictrlcreatebutton($params[1],$left,$top,$width)
here's better way :
#include <guiconstants.au3> #include <buttonconstants.au3> global $allbuttons[4] = ["3","button1","button2","bouton3"] guicreate ("title", 120, 200) $btn_start = guictrlcreatedummy() $i = 1 $allbuttons[0] local $top = $i*40 local $left = 10 local $width = 100 guictrlcreatebutton($allbuttons[$i],$left,$top,$width) next $btn_end = guictrlcreatedummy() guisetstate () while 1 $msg = guigetmsg() switch $msg case $gui_event_close exit case $btn_start $btn_end msgbox(0, "test", guictrlread($msg)) endswitch wend
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