html - Riverbed Stingray steelapp, displaying a image on a maintenance page -

we have setup our application on riverbed stingray, 1 of requirement display maintenance page when administrator wants update system.

so created html page logo image , uploded both .html , .png image file/ miscellaneous path. created rule, in rule added below trafficscript has hardcoded html file name uploaded miscellaneous path. , when try access website displays maintenance page, image added in maintenance page not displayed. if dont hardcode .html file name use http.getpath() , file name , use navigation(commented in script), image displayed fine.

if can please point me if there problem or if there better way this.

  <!doctype html> <html xmlns=""> <head>     <title>sorry</title> </head> <body>     <img src="/.extra/test.png">     <h1>our apologies</h1>     we're sorry.  of our operators busy.  please try again later.   </body> </html> 

the trafficscript

#$url = http.getpath();  #if( ! string.regexmatch( $url, "^/\\.extra/(.*)$" ) ) {   #   break;   #} else {   #   $file = $1;   #}  $file = "app_offline.html"; # if file not exist, stop   if( ! resource.exists( $file ) ) break;    # serve file conf/extra directory   $contents = resource.get( $file );   http.sendresponse( "200 ok", "text/html", $contents, "" );  

i able display image on html page , navigate traffic page when rule enabled. modified trafficscript below

$url = http.getpath();   if( ! string.regexmatch( $url, "^/\\.extra/(.*)$" ) ) {       http.setpath("/.extra/app_offline.html");   }    $url = http.getpath();    if( ! string.regexmatch( $url, "^/\\.extra/(.*)$" ) ) {       break;     } else {       $file = $1;     }    # if file not exist, stop     if( ! resource.exists( $file ) ) break;      $mimes = [             "html"  => "text/html",             "jpg"    => "image/jpeg",             "jpeg"  => "image/jpeg",             "png"    => "image/png",             "gif"    => "image/gif",             "js"    => "application/x-javascript",             "css"    => "text/css"  ,             "ico"    => "image/x-icon" ,             "txt"    => "text/plain"             ];             if( string.regexmatch( $file , ".*\\.([^.]+)$" ) ) {                 $mime = $mimes[ $1 ];             }             if( ! $mime ) $mime = "text/html";     # serve file conf/extra directory     $contents = resource.get( $file );     http.sendresponse( "200 ok", $mime , $contents, "" );  


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