apache - Lucence SOLR not highlighting special characters like dot, slash in search result -

like in titile, got result solr , special characters not highlighting in searching word


solr parameter


example query: all:* , hello/world

<em>hello</em> / <em>world</em> 

field analyzer:

<fieldtype name="text_en" class="solr.textfield" positionincrementgap="100">   <analyzer type="index">     <tokenizer class="solr.standardtokenizerfactory"/>     <!-- in example, use synonyms @ query time     <filter class="solr.synonymfilterfactory" synonyms="index_synonyms.txt" ignorecase="true" expand="false"/>     -->     <!-- case insensitive stop word removal.       add enablepositionincrements=true in both index , query       analyzers leave 'gap' more accurate phrase queries.     -->     <filter class="solr.stopfilterfactory"             ignorecase="true"             words="lang/stopwords_en.txt"             enablepositionincrements="true"             />     <filter class="solr.lowercasefilterfactory"/>     <filter class="solr.englishpossessivefilterfactory"/>     <filter class="solr.keywordmarkerfilterfactory" protected="protwords.txt"/> <!-- optionally may want use less aggressive stemmer instead of porterstemfilterfactory:     <filter class="solr.englishminimalstemfilterfactory"/> -->     <filter class="solr.porterstemfilterfactory"/>   </analyzer>   <analyzer type="query">     <tokenizer class="solr.standardtokenizerfactory"/>     <filter class="solr.synonymfilterfactory" synonyms="synonyms.txt" ignorecase="true" expand="true"/>     <filter class="solr.stopfilterfactory"             ignorecase="true"             words="lang/stopwords_en.txt"             enablepositionincrements="true"             />     <filter class="solr.lowercasefilterfactory"/>     <filter class="solr.englishpossessivefilterfactory"/>     <filter class="solr.keywordmarkerfilterfactory" protected="protwords.txt"/> <!-- optionally may want use less aggressive stemmer instead of porterstemfilterfactory:     <filter class="solr.englishminimalstemfilterfactory"/> -->     <filter class="solr.porterstemfilterfactory"/>   </analyzer> </fieldtype> 

standardtokenizer weed out characters / , perhaps you're looking here whitespacetokenizer . other that, colon : sign has special significane lucene query parser , edismax, perhaps want try luck simpler more robust dismax query parser


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