Amazon Signature Version 4 Calculation -

i'm trying calculate same situation shown here

following snippet of coffeescirpt uses cryptojs. encodedpolicy correct according example.

    hmac = cryptojs.algo.hmac.create(cryptojs.algo.sha256, "aws4" + "wjalrxutnfemi/k7mdeng/bpxrficyexamplekey")     hmac.update("20130806")     hmac.update("us-east-1")     hmac.update("s3")     hmac.update("aws4_request")     hmac.update(encodedpolicy)     console.log( hmac.finalize().tostring() ) 

the output "71df5c44d375c21856d92de15941bc0deaf1a845e197c7f46834663256092f56", expected "21496b44de44ccb73d545f1a995c68214c9cb0d41c45a17a5daeec0b1a6db047".


    getsignaturekey = (key, datestamp, regionname, servicename, encodedpolicy) ->       hmac = cryptojs.algo.hmac.create(cryptojs.algo.sha256, "aws4" + key)       hmac.update( datestamp )       datekey = hmac.finalize()       hmac = cryptojs.algo.hmac.create(cryptojs.algo.sha256, datekey )       hmac.update( regionname )       regionkey = hmac.finalize()       hmac = cryptojs.algo.hmac.create(cryptojs.algo.sha256, regionkey )       hmac.update( servicename )       servicekey = hmac.finalize()       hmac = cryptojs.algo.hmac.create(cryptojs.algo.sha256, servicekey )       hmac.update( "aws4_request" )       requestkey = hmac.finalize()       hmac = cryptojs.algo.hmac.create(cryptojs.algo.sha256, requestkey )       hmac.update( encodedpolicy )       return hmac.finalize() 

is correct @ least until requestkey. still getting response amazon saying signature calculated not match 1 provided.

update2: below relevant code.

server code @s3 = {} @s3.key = "aws-key" @s3.privkey = "aws-priv-key" @s3.region = 'us-east-1' @s3.service = 's3' @s3.alg = 'aws4-hmac-sha256' @s3.bucket = 'bucket-name' @s3.acl = 'public-read'

@s3.generate_policy = (path,date) ->   policy = {      "conditions": [       {'bucket': s3.bucket}       ['starts-with', '$key', path]       {'acl': s3.acl}       {'success_action_status': '200'}       ["content-length-range", 0, 100000]       ['starts-with', '$content-type', 'image/jpeg']     ]     "expiration": date.format("yyyy-mm-ddthh:mm:ss.00\\z")   }   return policy  getsignaturekey = (key, datestamp, regionname, servicename, stringtosign) ->   hmac = cryptojs.algo.hmac.create(cryptojs.algo.sha256, "aws4" + key)   hmac.update( datestamp )   datekey = hmac.finalize()   hmac = cryptojs.algo.hmac.create(cryptojs.algo.sha256, datekey )   hmac.update( regionname )   regionkey = hmac.finalize()   hmac = cryptojs.algo.hmac.create(cryptojs.algo.sha256, regionkey )   hmac.update( servicename )   servicekey = hmac.finalize()   hmac = cryptojs.algo.hmac.create(cryptojs.algo.sha256, servicekey )   hmac.update( "aws4_request" )   requestkey = hmac.finalize()   hmac = cryptojs.algo.hmac.create(cryptojs.algo.sha256, requestkey )   hmac.update( stringtosign )   return hmac.finalize()  stringtosign = (alg, date, creds, hashedreq) ->   return alg + '\n' + date.format( "yyyymmddthhmmss\\z" ) + '\n' + creds + '\n' + hashedreq  canonreq = (date, creds, alg) ->   headers = "host: " + s3.bucket + "" + '\n'   headers += "content-type: image/jpeg; charset=utf-8" + '\n'   headers += "x-amz-date: " + date.format("yyyymmddthhmmss\\z") + '\n'    signedheaders = "content-type;host;x-amz-date"    canonreq = "post http://" + s3.bucket + " http/1.1" + '\n'   canonreq += "\\" + '\n'   canonreq += '\n'   canonreq += headers   canonreq += '\n'   canonreq += signedheaders  + '\n'   canonreq += cryptojs.sha256( signedheaders )  @s3.generate_credentials = (path, date) ->   policy = new buffer(json.stringify(s3.generate_policy(path, date )).replace('\n', "")).tostring('base64')   creds = s3.key + '/' + date.format("yyyymmdd") + '/'  + s3.region + '/' + s3.service + '/' + 'aws4_request'    hashedcanonicalreq = cryptojs.sha256( canonreq(date) )    stringtosign = stringtosign( s3.alg, date, creds, hashedcanonicalreq )    sig = getsignaturekey(s3.privkey,date.format('yyyymmdd'),s3.region,s3.service, stringtosign)     credentials = {     awskey: s3.key     key: path     policy: policy     bucket: s3.bucket     signature: sig.tostring()     acl: s3.acl     date: date.format("yyyymmddthhmmss\\z")     alg: s3.alg     creds: creds   }   return credentials  @meteor.methods   get_s3_credentials: () ->     if !meteor.user()       return      path = "test"     date = moment().utc().add('minutes', 5)     credentials = s3.generate_credentials(path, date)     return credentials 

client code

uploadfile = function() { 'get_s3_credentials', function(err, res) {     if( res ){       var file = document.getelementbyid('uploadfiles').files[0];       var fd = new formdata();        console.log( res );        fd.append('key',res.key);       fd.append('awsaccesskeyid', res.awskey)       fd.append('acl',res.acl);       fd.append('signature',res.signature);       fd.append('policy', res.policy);       fd.append('success_action_status',200);       fd.append('content-type',"image/jpeg");       fd.append("file",file);        var xhr = new xmlhttprequest();'post', 'https://' + res.bucket + '', true);        xhr.send(fd);     }else{       console.log( err );     }   }); } 

update: able working using aws-sdk (signed url) , client side code


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