Jquery's Ajax and killing SQL process on PHP -

so have script import .csv file, line line using "insert query" database.

i want user able stop script anytime.

here's ajax call :

postselect = $.post('addcsvtodatabase.php');

  1. first try :

here's initial handler stop script :

$('#input').click(function(){   postselect.abort(); }) 

i noticed abort() method did stop script, data still being inserted database

  1. second try :

from .php script run on initial ajax call (addcsvtodatabase.php), save process id of sql query :

    $idconnexion = $connexion->query('select connction_id()')->fetch(pdo::fetch_assoc);     $idconnexion = $idconnexion["connection_id()"];     $_session['idconnexion'] = $idconnexion; 

then, make ajax call abortsql.php script grab process id , try kill :

$requete = "kill ".$_session['idconnexion']; $connexion->query($requete); 

here's input handler looks :

$('#input').click(function(){   postselect.abort();   $.post( "abordsql.php"); }) 

the thing is, noticed when try abort import, abortsql.php in "loading" mode , fire when initial ajax call finished, kill process when process finished, not usefull.

i tried kill process manually on phpmyadmin (i'm getting same process id script , phpmyadmin, no issue there), , works, stop importing data database.

how can run abordsql.php script without waiting initial ajax call end ?

thanks !

after $_session['idconnexion'] = $idconnexion;, add:


the session file open , locked, abort script can't start session.
