objective c - iOS Layout Change on Hiding a view -

if have 3 uilabels on view next each other, best approach hiding middle one, , third 1 shift , take it's space?

so example:

first line second line third line 

if hide second line, doesn't show. still takes space. end this:

first line  third line 

what considered 'best' approach making third line slip second lines space? i've been looking @ uicollectionview, seems bit extreme.

i write bunch of code builds view up, putting things in order should be, involve significant chunk of work, , i'm there's simpler way... maybe i'm wrong!

any great!


(in android native/java free. :-)

it not of code if removing one.

[secondlinelabel sethidden:yes]; [thirdlinelabel setframe:[secondlinelable frame]]; 

the problem comes when want second lable re-appear. need store frame somewhere.

if more lables in row more general useful. might want think using table. can embed tables view layout along other view items. , can quite introduce own simple uitableviewcell carries 1 rather small label without wasting surrounding white space. plus have set table's cell height making happen.
