Git signoff commit without changing author -

for project work on, use --signoff way approve each other's commits. know isn't way projects work, model have writes patch, else reviews , --signoff's it, , original author pushes mainline.

the problem have original author of commit goes away after signoff. when command signoff, looks this:

git commit --amend --signoff 

this of course updates author field in addition appending signoff @ end of commit message.

is there way achieve same thing without changing author field? option can see go @ original author field , pass in with:

--author "john smith <>" 

which seems rather clunky , pain every time want signoff commit.


by popular demand, .gitconfig:

[user]     name = wesley bland     email = ---@---.---  [color]     diff = auto     status = auto     branch = auto     ui = auto  [color "status"]     added = green     changed = red     untracked = magenta  [core]     whitespace = trailing-space,space-before-tab,indent-with-tab     abbrev = 8     excludesfile = /users/wbland/.gitignore_global  [alias]     graph = log --graph --decorate --abbrev-commit --pretty=oneline  [push]     default = simple 

git commit (including git commit --ammed --signoff), default, not change author of commit. in fact, in order so, you'd need explicitly specify you'd so:

git commit --amend --signoff --reset-author 


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