android - How to save image bitmap after rotation? -

i develop app save images sd card , pictures upside want rotate them , save them in rotate position choose . know how rotate on code image not saved permanently. here code : //rotate picture

public static bitmap rotate(bitmap source, float angle) {     matrix matrix = new matrix();     matrix.postrotate(angle);      return bitmap.createbitmap(source, 0, 0, source.getwidth(),source.getheight(), matrix, false);   } 

//resize image

public void resizeimage(string path , int wdist,int hdist){     try     {         int inwidth = 0;         int inheight = 0;           inputstream in = new fileinputstream(path);          // decode image size (decode metadata only, not whole image)         bitmapfactory.options options = new bitmapfactory.options();         options.injustdecodebounds = true;          bitmapfactory.decodestream(in, null, options);         in.close();         in = null;          // save width , height         inwidth = options.outwidth;         inheight = options.outheight;          // decode full image pre-resized         in = new fileinputstream(path);         options = new bitmapfactory.options();         // calc rought re-size (this no exact resize)         options.insamplesize = math.max(inwidth/wdist, inheight/hdist);         // decode full image         bitmap roughbitmap = bitmapfactory.decodestream(in, null, options);          // calc exact destination size         matrix m = new matrix();          rectf inrect = new rectf(0, 0, roughbitmap.getwidth(), roughbitmap.getheight());         rectf outrect = new rectf(0, 0, wdist, hdist);         m.setrecttorect(inrect, outrect,;         float[] values = new float[9];         m.getvalues(values);          // resize bitmap         bitmap resizedbitmap = bitmap.createscaledbitmap(roughbitmap, (int) (roughbitmap.getwidth() * values[0]), (int) (roughbitmap.getheight() * values[4]), true);          // save image         try         {             fileoutputstream out = new fileoutputstream(path);             resizedbitmap.compress(bitmap.compressformat.jpeg, 80, out);         }         catch (exception e)         {             log.e("image", e.getmessage(), e);         }     }     catch (ioexception e)     {         log.e("image", e.getmessage(), e);     } } 

thanks helpers :)

try following code.

string root = environment.getexternalstoragedirectory().tostring(); file mydir = new file(root + "/saved_images");     mydir.mkdirs(); random generator = new random(); int n = 10000; n = generator.nextint(n); string fname = "image-"+ n +".jpg"; file file = new file (mydir, fname); if (file.exists ()) file.delete ();  try {        finalbitmap = rotate(bmp,50);        fileoutputstream out = new fileoutputstream(file);        finalbitmap.compress(bitmap.compressformat.jpeg, 90, out);        out.flush();        out.close();  } catch (exception e) {        e.printstacktrace(); } 

and dont forgot take below permission manifest

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.write_external_storage" /> 


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