Liferay 6.0: Deploy error -

i'm in process of upgrading liferay 5.2 6.0.

all went (not really, i've spent 2 months on - upgrade ext, db, etc).

currently managed deploy portlets of mine without issue except 1 portlet...

after build-service success, proceed ant deploy , failed. return error:

c:\barterfli\liferay\plugins\portlets\membershipactivation-portlet\docroot\web- inf\src\com\leadingside\portal\membership\service\service\persistence\ unreported exception  com.leadingside.portal.membership.service.nosuchusers_activationexception; must caught or declared thrown return remove(((long)primarykey).longvalue()); ^ c:\barterfli\liferay\plugins\portlets\membershipactivation-portlet\docroot\web- inf\src\com\leadingside\portal\membership\service\service\persistence\ unreported exception  com.leadingside.portal.membership.service.nosuchusers_activationexception; must caught or declared thrown return findbyprimarykey(((long)primarykey).longvalue()); ^ 

can explain, what's wrong?

i try manually add try - catch block inside persistenceimpl changes gone if build-service (surely thats not correct way it)



you have change compiler of service. prior lr6 compiler used of older version. have change compiler in 1 of build.xml files plugin sdk.

for further references can check
