sql - make python wait for stored procedure to finish executing -

i have python script uses pyodbc call mssql stored procedure, so:

cursor.execute("exec myprocedure @param1 = '" + myparam + "'") 

i call stored procedure inside loop, , notice sometimes, procedure gets called again before finished executing last time. know because if add line


after execute line, works fine.

is there more elegant , less time-costly way say, "sleep until exec finished"?

update (divij's solution): code not working me:

from tornado import gen import pyodbc  @gen.engine def func(*args, **kwargs):     # connect db     cnxn_str = """     driver={sql server native client 11.0};     server=\sqlexpress;     database=celltestdata2;     uid=sa;     pwd=welcome!;     """     cnxn = pyodbc.connect(cnxn_str)     cnxn.autocommit = true     cursor = cnxn.cursor()     _ in range(5):         yield gen.task(cursor.execute, 'exec longtest')      return  func() 

there's no python built-in allows wait asynchronous call finish. however, can achieve behaviour using tornado's ioloop. tornado's gen interface allows register function call task , return next line in function once call has finished executing. here's example using gen , gen.task

from tornado import gen  @gen.engine def func(*args, **kwargs)     _ in range(5):         yield gen.task(async_function_call, arg1, arg2)      return 

in example, execution of func resumes after async_function_call finished. way subsequent calls asnyc_function_call won't overlap, , wont' have pause execution of main process time.sleep call.
