How to get rid of certain characters in a string on mips assembly -

i wondering if explain me how rid of specific characters in string on mips. example, if string "+104367" , want rid of +, , have simply: 104367.

 .data     str:  .asciiz "hello+world"   .text    main:       la $t0, str  # la means load address (so load address of str $t0)       li $t1, 0    # $t1 counter. set 0        la $t3, 43   # 43 ascii of '+' in dec  countchr:       lb $t2, 0($t0)  # load first byte address in $t0       beqz $t2, end   # if $t2 == 0 go label end     bne $t2, $t3, proceed   # branch if symbol equals 43 (+)     la $t4, $t0 # save position proceed:       add $t0, 1      # else increment address       add $t1, $t1, 1 # , increment counter of course        j countchr      # loop      end:       # whatever want here.       # remember length of string stored in $t1     # here have position of '+' saved t4  
