Using CIFaceFeature detection, can I determine the Confidence of the Face detected in an Image -

i'm starting take @ cidetector detect faces in image wondering whether has had luck determining confidence level detector has when detected face.

i know can set detector threshold choosing different detector accuracies, there way tell how detected feature has surpassed requested accuracy?

cicontext *context = [cicontext contextwithoptions:nil]; nsdictionary *opts = @{ cidetectoraccuracy : cidetectoraccuracyhigh }; cidetector *detector = [cidetector detectoroftype:cidetectortypeface                                       context:context                                       options:opts];  

essentially, if have image has 2 faces in - how can determine of 2 more face assuming both detected using cidirectoraccuracyhigh option?



the lower index in nsarray of cifeatures more face according documentation in coreimage

/** returns array of cifeature instances in given image.  array sorted confidence, highest confidence first. */ - (nsarray *)featuresinimage:(ciimage *)image __osx_available_starting(__mac_10_7, __iphone_5_0); 
