How to add a "reset" button to JQuery-steps -

i haven't seen question asked - though did read 100 jquery-steps similar topics - none seemed solve issue.

i'm using jquery-steps , add "reset" button after first step completed - in case user wants clear form , start over. button incerted after default "next" button.

this current script based on default basic form here

$(function () {      function errorplacement(error, element)     {         element.before(error);      }     $("#form").validate({         rules: {             zip: {                 required: true,                 maxlength:5,                 minlength:5                 },             phone: {                 required: true,                 minlength: 10,                 phoneus: true             }          }     });       $("#wizard").steps({         headertag: "h3",         bodytag: "section",         transitioneffect: "slideleft",         onstepchanging: function (event, currentindex, newindex)         {             // allways allow step previous step if current step not valid!             if (currentindex > newindex)             {                 return false;             }               $("#form").validate().settings.ignore = ":disabled,:hidden";             return $("#form").valid();          },         onfinishing: function (event, currentindex)         {             $("#form").validate().settings.ignore = ":disabled";             return $("#form").valid();         },         onfinished: function (event, currentindex)         {             alert("thank you! request has been sumbitted.");         }     }); }); 

you enable , use cancel button call validator.resetform(). see following example:

$(function () {     var validator;      $("#wizard").steps({         enablecancelbutton: true,         oncanceled: function (event)         {             validator.resetform();         }     });      validator = $("#form").validate({         rules: {             zip: {                 required: true,                 maxlength:5,                 minlength:5             },             phone: {                 required: true,                 minlength: 10,                 phoneus: true             }         }     }); }); 


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