Not able to understand how select_tag working in rails 4? -

i have following code in rails,

<%= select_tag 'profile', (options_from_collection_for_select(@profiles, :id, :name, @dealer.profileid.to_i))%>     

and generating following html,

<select id="profile" name="profile">            <option value="cm profile">cm profile</option>      <option value="admin profile">admin profile</option>       </select> 

but want value in option tag should "id" of profiles object. assigining name of @profile object.

and schema of profile table is,

id ==> int(11) ==> auto_increment         name ==> varchar(20) ==> primary key        type ==> int(11)    

how can ??

according syntax

<%= select_tag 'profile', (options_from_collection_for_select(@profiles, :id, :name, @dealer.profileid.to_i))%>   

is right, should work intend to.

unless syntax this

options_from_collection_for_select(@profiles, :name, :name, @dealer.profileid.to_i) 

will produce

<select id="profile" name="profile">            <option value="cm profile">cm profile</option>      <option value="admin profile">admin profile</option>       </select> 
