Struggling with the JQuery/Bootstrap version of Joomla's Modal Window -

i've been trying jquery version of modal window working within joomla framework.

this works mootools version pop iframe...

<?php jhtml::_('behavior.mootools'); ?> <a href="" class="modal"     rel="{handler:'iframe'}">    click here launch popup</a> 

however, nice not have use 2 javascript libraries, ideally want jquery equivalent working. have added...

jhtml::_('jquery.framework'); jhtml::_('jquery.ui'); 

i impression needs bootstrap framework too, i'm not overly familiar with.

what i'm after jquery equivalent of mootools example, or explination of best-practise way of doing when using jquery framework in joomla template.

(nb want use core joomla approach - know how add own modal script outside of that)


if looking bootstrap modal window in joomla can try below code-

$name = "mymodal"; $html = '<a href="#modal-' . $name.'" data-toggle="modal" class="btn">launch modal</a>'; $params = array(); $params['title']  = "test"; $params['url']    = "http://localhost/"; $params['height'] = 400; $params['width']  = "100%"; echo $html .= jhtml::_('bootstrap.rendermodal', 'modal-' . $name, $params); 
