php - how to turn a recursive function opendir -

would transform recursive function below. keeping filter of allowed file extension (xml).

function lista_xml($path) {  $xml_array = array();      $dh = opendir($path);        while ( false !== ($file = readdir($dh)) )     {         if ( $file=="." || $file==".." || is_dir($file) ) continue;          $namearr = explode('.',$file);         if ($namearr[count($namearr)-1] == 'xml') $xml_array[] = $file;      }      closedir($dh);     return $xml_array; }  folder: path/directory1/aaa.xml;bbb.xml; path/directory1/directory2/xxx.xml;yyy.xml; path/directory1/directory2/directory3/ccc.xml;  want unique array: [0] => aaa.xml [1] => bbb.xml [2] => xxx.xml [3] => yyy.xml [4] => ccc.xml 

make return variable input variable , recursively call on subdirectories.

function lista_xml($path, $xml_array=array()) {     $dh = opendir($path);      while ( false !== ($file = readdir($dh)) )     {         if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') continue;         $file = realpath($path . '/' .basename($file));          $info = pathinfo($file);         if (isset($info['extension']) && $info['extension'] == 'xml') {             $xml_array[] = $file;         } elseif ( $file!='.' && $file!='..' && is_dir($file)) {             $xml_array = lista_xml($file, $xml_array);         }     }      closedir($dh);     return $xml_array; } 
