c++ - How does c++11 implements "... = default;" for the rule of three methods -

when learned c++ people told me always implement @ least rule of 3 methods.

now i'm seeing new "... = default;" c++0x on stack overflow, , question is:

is there c++11 standard implementation defined methods or compiler specific?

plus have precisions:

  • what implementation looks in term of code? (if it's generic)
  • does have advantage compared example implementation below?
  • if don't use assignment/copy constructor, *... = delete* precisly, what's difference declaring them private? answer (from @40two)
  • is new default= different old default implementation?

disclaimer: when i'll need more advanced features in methods, sure i'll implements them myself. used implement assignment operator , copy constructor when never used them, in order compiler don't.

what used do: (edited, @ddrmmr swap/move)

//file t.h class t {   public:     t(void);     t(const t &other);     t(const t &&other);     t &operator=(t other);     friend void swap(t &first, t &second);     ~t(void);    protected:     int *_param; };  //file t.cpp t::t(void) :   _param(std::null) {}  t::t(t &other)   : _param(other._param) {}  t::t(t &&other)   : t() {   swap(*this, other); }  t &t::operator=(t other) {   swap(*this, other);   return (*this); }  friend void swap(t &first, t &second) {   using std::swap;    swap(first._param, second._param); }  t::~t(void) {} 

the default behavior is:

  • default ctor ( t() ): calls bases def. ctors , members default ctors.
  • copy ctor ( t(const t&) ): calls bases copy. ctors , members copy ctors.
  • move ctor ( t(t&&) ): calls bases move. ctors , members move ctors.
  • assign ( t& operator=(const t&) ): calls bases assign. , members assign.
  • transfer ( t& operator=(t&&) ): calls bases transfer, , members transfer.
  • destructor ( ~t() ): calls member destructor, , bases destructor (reverse order).

for built-in types (int etc.)

  • default ctor: set 0 if explicitly called
  • copy ctor: bitwise copy
  • move ctor: bitwise copy (no change on source)
  • assign: bitwise copy
  • transfer: bitwise copy
  • destructor: nothing.

since pointers builtin types well, apply int* ( not points to).

now, if don't declare anything, t class hold int* not own pointed int, copy of t hold pointer same int. same resulting behavior c++03. default implemented move built-in types copy. classes memberwise move (and depends on members are: copies built-ins)

if have change behavior, have coherently: example, if want "own" point to, need

  • a default ctor initializing nullptr: defines "empty state" can refer later
  • a creator ctor initializing given pointer
  • a copy ctor initializing copy of pointed (this real change)
  • a dtor deletes pointed
  • an assign deletes pointed , receive new copy of pointed


t::t() :_param() {} t::t(int* s) :_param(s) {} t(const t& s) :_param(s._param? new int(*s._param): nullptr) {} ~t() { delete _param; } // nothing if _param nullptr 

let's not define assign, now, concentrate on move: if don't declare it, since declared copy, deleted: makes t object being copied if temporary (same behavior c++03)

but if source object temporary, can create empty destination , swap them:

t::t(t&& s) :t() { std::swap(_param, s._param); } 

this called move.

now assignment: before c++11 t& operator=(const t& s) should check against self assignment, make destination empty , receive copy of pointed:

t& operator=(const t& s) {     if(this == &s) return *this; // can shortcut     int* p = new int(s._param); //get copy ...     delete _param; //.. , if succeeded (no exception while copying) ...     _param = p; // ... delete old , keep copy     return *this; } 

with c++11 can use parameter passing generate copy, giving

t& operator=(t s) //note signature { std::swap(_param, s._param); return *this; } 

note works in c++98, pass-by copy not optimized in pass-by move if s temporary. makes such implementation not profitable in c++98 , c++03 convenient in c++11.

note there no need specialize std::swap t: std::swap(a,b); work, being implemented 3 moves (not copy)

the practice implement swap function derives case t has many members, being swap required in both move , assign. can regular private member function.
