css - SASS for loop creating list item grid, having problems incrementing rows -
i'm trying create grid of list items, have 10 items , want position them absolutely in sets of 2. can set left position fine using modulus tripping on how can increment top position each row additional 20% top. can advise on need do? tried adding in row , top value counter think logic messed up. top values set 0, because im not setting $topvalue
percentage or messing up?
$total: 10; $inc: 0; @for $i 1 through $total { $rowcount: 0; $topvalue: 0; li:nth-child(#{$i}) { top: $topvalue; $rowcount: $rowcount + $rowcount; @if $rowcount >= 2 { $rowcount: 0; $topvalue: $topvalue + 20; } @if $i % 2 == 0 { left: 50%; } @else { left: 0; } } }
pen: http://codepen.io/styler/pen/iakzy sass: http://sassmeister.com/gist/a5ee97397eb2a0609ca1
$total: 10; $inc: 0; $rowcount: 0; @for $i 1 through $total { li:nth-child(#{$i}) { @if $i % 2 == 0 { left: 50%; } @else { $rowcount: $rowcount + 1; left: 0; } top: ($rowcount - 1) * 20%; } }
fiddle: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/umojy
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