mongodb - Mongo "error converting js type to Utf8Value" on db.currentOp()? -

database running slow... 11gb database of around ~4 million documents.

db.currentop() produces:

thu jun 26 21:32:10.979 assertion: 16686:error converting js type utf8value 0x10e703360 0x10e6dcc2a 0x10e6da0dd 0x10e6c1aa8 0x10e6bd207 0x10e8fd0d9 0x10e900381 0x10e971b18 0x1469a3906362 0x1469a391701e  0   mongo                               0x000000010e703360 _zn5mongo15printstacktraceerso + 64  1   mongo                               0x000000010e6dcc2a _zn5mongo11msgassertedeipkc + 186  2   mongo                               0x000000010e6da0dd _zn5mongo11tostlstringerkn2v86handleins0_5valueeee + 109  3   mongo                               0x000000010e6c1aa8 _zn5mongo7v8scope16mongotov8elementerkns_11bsonelementeb + 4792  4   mongo                               0x000000010e6bd207 _zn5mongol8namedgeten2v85localins0_6stringeeerkns0_12accessorinfoe + 839  5   mongo                               0x000000010e8fd0d9 _zn2v88internal8jsobject35getpropertyattributewithinterceptoreps1_pns0_6stringeb + 665  6   mongo                               0x000000010e900381 _zn2v88internal10jsreceiver32getpropertyattributewithreceivereps1_pns0_6stringe + 289  7   mongo                               0x000000010e971b18 _zn2v88internal19runtime_haspropertyens0_9argumentsepns0_7isolatee + 104  8   ???                                 0x00001469a3906362 0x0 + 22443948270434  9   ???                                 0x00001469a391701e 0x0 + 22443948339230 

mongostat --all produces:

insert  query update delete getmore command flushes mapped  vsize    res non-mapped faults              locked db idx miss %     qr|qw   ar|aw  netin netout  conn       time     *0     *0     *0     *0       0     1|0       0  18.6g  40.2g  1.71g      21.6g   3213 directorylistings:0.0%          0       0|0     1|0    62b     4k    71   21:34:08     *0     *0     *0     *0       0     1|0       0  18.6g  40.2g   1.7g      21.6g   3166 directorylistings:0.0%          0       0|0     1|0    62b     4k    71   21:34:09     *0     *0     *0     *0       0     1|0       0  18.6g  40.2g   1.7g      21.6g   2908 directorylistings:0.0%          0       0|0     1|0    62b     4k    71   21:34:10 

completely lost. why currentop() return error? if had character encoding error suggests why mongo let me put things in db "wrong" character encoding? o_o

thanks help...

this seems bug in mongodb if you're using 1 of versions mentioned here
