ruby on rails - foreman not getting enviroment variables -

i'm using foreman enviroment variables in rails app. on config/enviroments/development.rb have following code:

config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {    address: "",   port: "587",   domain: "",   authentication: "plain",    enable_starttls_auto: true,   user_name: env['gmail_username'],   password: env['gmail_password']    #user_name: "",                       #password: "password" } 

and .env file follows: gmail_password=password 

and procfile is:

web: bundle exec rvmsudo rails s -p 80 

so if run "foreman start", following message:

net::smtpauthenticationerror in devise::confirmationscontroller#create 530-5.5.1 authentication required

however if comment lines concern enviroment variables , uncomment ones commented right @ development.rb, works fine.

so imagine problem foreman not getting enviroment variables correctly. i'm using git branches, , ignoring both procfile , .env

is there wrong code?


looks environment variables not being set. method using that? here's article explains several methods.

try setting them manually on command line thus:

export gmail_username="" export gmail_password="password" 

then type env @ command prompt verify set. give whirl.


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