angularjs - Using Angular to Inject into non-Angular Objects -

is there way provide non-angular injection target angular $injector such angular constructs $http, $scope, $location or $q can injected it?

//non-angular injection container var injectiontarget= {     $http:undefined,     $scope:undefined }  //means inject target - part in question var injector = angular.injector(); injector.injectinto( injectiontarget, ["$http", "$scope"]); 

i'm having hardest time finding info on how accomplish assume sought-after feature.

i think easiest way register objects services module.

var myobject = {} //defined elsewhere or here empty  app.service(‘areferencename’, function($http){   myobject.$http = $http;   return myobject; }); 

this have double effect of setting properties want on object, , making accessible angular needed. it's pretty simple block of code. note implication though service singleton angular's perspective. if need class many instances, you'll wanting factory.
