jboss7.x - how to redirect domian.com to www.domain.com in jboss 7.1.1 server -

in website ssl www.domain.com. open using worked fine, when use domain.com show security exception how resolve that

i used url rewrite in standalone.xml file below not worked me

<virtual-server name="default-host" enable-welcome-root="false">     <alias name="domain.com"/>     <alias name="www.domain.com"/>     <rewrite pattern="^(.*)$" substitution="https://$1" flags="r=301,l">         <condition test="%{http_host}" pattern="^www\.(.+)$" flags="nc"/>     </rewrite> </virtual-server> 

please let me know if did wrong?

its worked fine after changes

<rewrite pattern="^(.*)$" substitution="https://www.domain.com$1" flags="r=301,l">                 <condition test="%{http_host}" pattern="!^www\.domain\.com$" flags="nc"/>             </rewrite> 
