php - Authenticate Laravel user without Laravel tools - connecting 2 programs -

in project have company cms resides in public folder. has it's own users , stuff creating pages , other sorts of web items.

now have hook laravel users table in cms, fine. except can't verify user seeing laravel takes care of somewhere(!) in framework. , seeing cms large piece of coding has been around @ least 10 years i'm not going put in routes, models , controllers.

so simple solution verify user password/username. cannot find reference user verification outside of laravel.

so, question is: how can verify user table users, has been created laravel, against username/login program not loading laravel.

all need check if username , password match, using bcrypt password hashing.

so semi pseudocode (since dont know functions cms provides)

$username = $_post['username'];  // user record table $user = $db->find->user($username);  if (password_verify($_post['password'], $user->password)) {      // login user } else {      // wrong password } 
