css - Trouble "removing" a shadow-root from a code -

sorry if sounds dumb, i'm not sure how rid of something. there's button @ bottom right of blog @ http://bigams.tumblr.com/ , supposedly "credit", person plagiarised whole theme, i'm looking remove credit.

i can remove bit changes button looks like, there's bit:

.cred { background: {color:post};outline: 1px solid {color:border}; border: 1px outset {color:post};  bottom: 10px; left: 10px; position: fixed; padding: 2px 5px; text-transform: lowercase; font-family: bitxmap; font-size: 10px; } .cred { text-decoration: none; } .cred:active { border: 1px inset {color:post}; } 

but can't find literal part says

<a href="http://jubileethemes.tumblr.com">theme</a> 

and it's annoying. how supposed rid of it?

also, if need full code (i messed little default), here's link: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=njtabtqf

thanks in advance.

found it. line 202.

try this: view source in browser, click ctrl+f find, type in "jubileethemes" , show is.

open page in text editor, , can delete line.


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