browser history - replicate google maps URL behaviour with javascript? url+"/@foo" -

google map thing if browse to, say, australia, url changes to,135.1500838,4z 

i'm interested in doing on web application. far have this:

var baseurl = window.location.href.split("/@")[0] window.history.replacestate( {} , 'foo', baseurl+'/@foo' ); 

which works fine adding "/@foo" url

my problem that, after adding /@foo, url doesn't work, 404es.

i'm not interested in modifying brower's history, that's why use replacestate instead of pushstate.

anyway, there way js? or need server-side code serve appropriate page?


you "need server-side code serve appropriate page". @ character still part of url , therefore needs handled server. if want handle kind of situation client side want use # instead. after hash handle client side , not trigger new page load server.

several libraries use replicate routing in single page html app. example:

and many more.
