regex - Angular is returning "TypeError: Cannot read property" when using regular expressions -

i trying extract youtube id form input provided. output fine receiving error typeerror: cannot read property '2' of null

$scope.message.color = 'green'; $scope.message.content = 'sss'; $scope.videos.youtubeadd=true;  $scope.$watch('item.url', function() {     var re = /(\?v=|\/\d\/|\/embed\/|\/v\/|\.be\/)([a-za-z0-9\-\_]+)/;     value = $scope.item.url;     value = value.match(re)[2];     $scope.item.url =   value; }); 

please see here should helps. can check if matches before take second element array

var app = angular.module('app', []);

app.controller('myctrl', function ($scope) {      $scope.url = '';     var re = /(\?v=|\/\d\/|\/embed\/|\/v\/|\.be\/)([a-za-z0-9\-\_]+)/;     value = $scope.url;      $scope.arrays = value.match(re);      if ($scope.arrays && $scope.arrays.length > 1) {         $ = $scope.arrays[2];     }   }); 


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