c# - Calling functions from Unmanaged DLL -

i have unmanaged dll following functions:

readlatch( handle cyhandle,                 lpword  lplatch);   writelatch(handle cyhandle,                 word    mask,                 word    latch);    getpartnumber(handle cyhandle,                    lpbyte   lpbpartnum);   getdeviceproductstring(handle  cyhandle,                             lpvoid  lpproduct,                             lpbyte  lpblength,                             bool    bconverttoascii = true                             );   getdeviceserialnumber(handle   cyhandle,                            lpvoid   lpserialnumber,                            lpbyte   lpblength,                            bool     bconverttoascii = true                            );    getdeviceinterfacestring(handle    cyhandle,                               lpvoid lpinterfacestring,                               lpbyte lpblength,                               bool bconverttoascii); 

i'm trying import these functions haven't had likle finding right data types:

[dllimportattribute("runtime.dll", entrypoint = "readlatch", callingconvention =     callingconvention.cdecl)]     static extern int readlatch(handle cyhandle, [marshalas(unmanagedtype. ??????)] ?????? lplatch);      [dllimportattribute("runtime.dll", entrypoint = "writelatch", callingconvention = callingconvention.cdecl)]     static extern int writelatch(handle cyhandle,                 word mask,                 word latch);      [dllimportattribute("runtime.dll", entrypoint = "getpartnumber", callingconvention = callingconvention.cdecl)]     static extern int getpartnumber(handle cyhandle,                    lpbyte lpbpartnum);      [dllimportattribute("runtime.dll", entrypoint = "getdeviceproductstring", callingconvention = callingconvention.cdecl)]     static extern int getdeviceproductstring(handle cyhandle,                             lpvoid lpproduct,                             lpbyte lpblength,                             bool bconverttoascii = true                             );      [dllimportattribute("runtime.dll", entrypoint = "getdeviceserialnumber", callingconvention = callingconvention.cdecl)]     static extern int getdeviceserialnumber(handle cyhandle,                            lpvoid lpserialnumber,                            lpbyte lpblength,                            bool bconverttoascii = true                            );      [dllimportattribute("runtime.dll", entrypoint = "getdeviceinterfacestring", callingconvention = callingconvention.cdecl)]     static extern int getdeviceinterfacestring(handle cyhandle,                               lpvoid lpinterfacestring,                               lpbyte lpblength,                               bool bconverttoascii); 

where can find information how represent handle, lpword , others can call functions?

unmanaged types , managed counterparts:

  • handle represented intptr.
  • word - uint16

for other ones, may need know bit more how used.

hopefully there accompanying documentation api explains parameters do, of them not obvious.

for function, can make assumptions:

readlatch(handle cyhandle, lpword  lplatch); 

assuming lplatch "out" parameter (and return type int):

[dllimportattribute("runtime.dll", entrypoint = "readlatch", callingconvention = callingconvention.cdecl)] static extern int readlatch(intptr cyhandle, out uint16 lplatch); 
