javascript - Rails - Handling custom attributes in AJAX response -

i have shopping cart multiple items display @ checkout giving users ability delete items if required. page has count of total items in cart trying update after item deleted. 500 server response code.

how correctly return remaining items , update on html page?

  ##app/controllers/items_controller.rb    def destroy     @item = current_user.cart.find(params[:id])     @item.destroy     if @item.destroyed?       render :status => 200, :json => {:success => true,:remaining => "#{pluralize(current_user.cart.count, 'item')}" }     end       end 

and javascript file -

##app/assets/javascripts/  jquery ($) ->   $(".delete-link").bind "ajax:success", ->     $("#cart-count").html(data.remaining)     $(this).closest("tr").fadeout()     return 
