android - ArrayAdapter with Filter crashes -

i have own arrayadapter , inside of adapter class have filter. in filter overriding publishresults(charsequence constraint, filterresults result) method.

@override         protected void publishresults(charsequence constraint, filterresults result) { final arraylist<car> filtered = (arraylist<car>) results.values; (int = 0, l = filtered.size(); < l; i++) {                 add(filtered.get(i));               } } 

the method above works fine, when have 100 or entries. when entries thousands, ui thread hangs few seconds. thought move asynctask, crashes. best way handle results without having ui hang?

code crashes (seems start, , crash in middle of loop:

@override         protected void publishresults(charsequence constraint, filterresults result) { final arraylist<car> filtered = (arraylist<car>) results.values; new longoperation().execute(filtered); }      private class longoperation extends asynctask<arraylist<car>, void, void> {          @override         protected void doinbackground(arraylist<car>... params) {             (int = 0, l = params[0].size(); < l; i++) {                 add(params[0].get(i));               }             return null;         }          @override         protected void onpostexecute(void result) {             notifydatasetchanged();         }     } }; 

here crash message. using commonsware mergeadapter combine 2 adapters, maybe may issue?

e/androidruntime(22868): java.lang.illegalstateexception:      content of adapter has changed listview did not receive notification.     make sure content of adapter not modified background thread,      ui thread. make sure adapter calls notifydatasetchanged()     when content changes. [in listview(16908298, class android.widget.listview)      adapter(class com.commonsware.cwac.merge.mergeadapter)] 

you cannot manipulate adapter data in background thread. error says:

make sure content of adapter not modified background thread, ui thread

one solution have 2 representation of data, , when change swap between them. , make sure swapping on main thread.


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