datagridview - Kendo UI - how to get values of all columns headers (name,index,is hidden, etc..) -

i ask, how can values of columns headers (name,index,is hidden, etc..) datagrid?

i add possibility save custom user view predefined order of colums, visibility, etc..

could grid instance (and if yes,how)?

or other suggest how save , restore custom data grid view?

thanks help.

you can column information columns field. see here more info.

basically, can columns grid doing this:

var grid = $('#grid').data('kendogrid'); var columns = grid.columns; 

this gives array of columns, providing index. objects contain properties of column including field, title, hidden , other data.

as example, title of first column:

var title = columns[0].title; 

regarding saving view, have save column array , set column option when initialize grid again.


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