c++ function call by value not work -

i have problem code:

the problem when see image original, modified "borrarfondo()" function called "segmentarhoja" , here entry img value, img modifies.

void borrarfondo(mat& img){    img = ~img;    mat background;    medianblur(img, background, 45);    gaussianblur(background, background, size(203,203),101,101);    img = img - background;    img = ~img; }  void segmentarhoja(mat img, mat& imsheet){    mat imgbw;    borrarfondo(img); //borrarfondo called here img copy    cvtcolor(img, imgbw, cv_bgr2gray);    threshold(imgbw, imgbw, 0, 255, cv_thresh_binary | cv_thresh_otsu);    mat element = getstructuringelement(morph_ellipse, size(21,21));    erode(imgbw, imgbw, element);    vector<vector<point> > contourssheet;     findcontours(imgbw, contourssheet, cv_retr_ccomp, cv_chain_approx_simple);    vector<rect> boundsheet(contourssheet.size());    int largest_area=0;     for( int = 0; i< contourssheet.size(); i++ )    {         double a= contourarea( contourssheet[i],false);         if(a>largest_area){            largest_area=a;             boundsheet[i] = boundingrect(contourssheet[i]);            imsheet=img(boundsheet[i]).clone();          }     }     borrarfondo(imsheet);   }  int main() {     mat imsheet;     image= imread("c:/imagen.jpg");     segmentarhoja(image, imsheet);      imshow("imsheet",imsheet);     imshow("imagen",image); //original image amending borrarfondo      waitkey(0); } 

i don't want change original image

opencv mat counted reference (i.e. std::shared_ptr, except different syntax) copy construction or assignment not copy. use clone method copy. read the documentation, idea.


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