Perl execute a command at a specified time -

i need write perl script executes command @ specified time.

  1. use net::ssh::expect login router
  2. read time router's clock ("show clock" command displays time.)
  3. at 17:30:00 execute command.

i tried writing script doesn't work. suggestions please ?

use strict; use warnings; use autodie; use feature qw/say/; use net::ssh::expect;  $time; $ssh = net::ssh::expect->new(     host     => "ip",     password => 'pwd',     user     => 'user name',     raw_pty  => 1, );  $login_output = $ssh->login();  while(1) {     $time = localtime();     if( $time == 17:30:00 ) {         $cmd = $ssh->exec("cmd");         print($cmd);     } else {         print" failed execute cmd \n";     } } 

several things here:

first, use time::piece. it's included in perl.

use time::piece; (;;) {                   # prefer using "for" infinite loops     $time = localtime;    # localtime creates time::piece object      # @ $time     if ( $time->hms eq "17:30:00" ) {         $cmd $ssh->exec("cmd");         print "$cmd\n";     }     else {         print "didn't execute command\n";     } } 

second, shouldn't use loop because you're going tying process looping on , on again. can try sleeping until correct time:

use strict; use warnings; use feature qw(say); use time::piece;  $time_zone = "-0500";    # or whatever offset gmt $current_time = local time; $run_time = time::piece(     $current_time->mdy . " 17:30:00 $time_zone",   # time want run including m/d/y      "%m-%d-%y %h:%m:%s %z");                      # format of timestamp sleep $run_time - $current_time; $ssh->("cmd"); ... 

what did here calculate difference between time want run command , time want execute command. issue if run script after 5:30pm local time. in case, may have check next day.

or, better, if you're on unix, crontab , use that. crontab allow specify when particular command should executed, , don't have worry calculating in program. create entry in crontab table:

30 17 * * * 

the 30 , 17 want run script everyday @ 5:30pm. other asterisks day of month, month, , day of week. example, want run program on weekdays:

30 17 * * 1-5  # sunday 0, mon 1... 

windows has similar method called schedule control panel can setup jobs run @ particular times. might have use perl, windows knows use perl interpreter executing program.

i highly recommend using crontab route. it's efficient, guaranteed work, allows concentrate on program not finagling when execute program. plus, it's flexible, knows it, , no 1 kill task while sits there , waits 5:30pm.


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