smartcard - Performances issues with java card -

i'm new java card technology, , i'm unaware normal execution time on java card. know slow on java card, , because of should deal simple stuff.

although acknowledge that, came odd figure of execution time of simple piece of code, code below takes 1300 ms run, normal?

i'm executing in smartc@fe card 3.2 has 13 mhz of processor, , less 2kb ram , 72kb of eeprom.

if possible test card available you? if so, please respond , specification of card.

private static short benchmark() {    short v, n, x, y;    short x_size, y_size;     v = 0;    n = 128;    x_size = 100;    y_size = 100;    (x = 0; x < x_size; x++)      (y = 0; y < y_size; y++)        v = (short) ~((v + n) & 0xff);    return v; } 

it takes me 731 ms on pretty new jcop cards run code, seems valid


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