objective c - How to set alarm on selected weekdays(MonDay,Sunday) in ios. (Localnotification) -

hi friends doing alarm application in had requierment repeat alarm selected days(monday, tuesday,--). once select monday alarm fire on every monday. how buddy suggest me.

advance thanks.

the repeat had selected 3 days(monday,thursday,saturday)

when notification fire running 7 week days.

   nsdate *localdate = [nsdate date]; nsdateformatter *dateformatter1 = [[[nsdateformatter alloc]init]autorelease]; dateformatter1.dateformat = @"eeee mmmm d, yyyy";  nsstring *datestring = [dateformatter1 stringfromdate: localdate];  nslog(@"date:%@",datestring); (int i=0; i<8; i++) {       // how day add     int adddayscount = i;      // creating , configuring date formatter instance     nsdateformatter *dateformatter = [[nsdateformatter alloc] init];     [dateformatter setdateformat:@"eeee mmmm d, yyyy"];      // retrieve nsdate instance stringified date presentation     nsdate *datefromstring = [dateformatter datefromstring:datestring];     //        nslog(@"dateformmater:%@",datefromstring);     // create , initialize date component instance     nsdatecomponents *datecomponents = [[nsdatecomponents alloc] init];     [datecomponents setday:adddayscount];      // retrieve date increased days count     nsdate *newdate = [[nscalendar currentcalendar]                        datebyaddingcomponents:datecomponents                        todate:datefromstring options:0];      nsstring* weekdaystring=[dateformatter stringfromdate:newdate];     nslog(@"new date: %@", [dateformatter stringfromdate:newdate]);    //here check selected week in selectedweeks array add notification     } 


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