node.js - Gulp suddenly compiling extremely slowly -

recently, no reason can tell, gulp compile times strictly sass tasks have become extremely slow. averaging around 18-20s per compile, deathly slow. tried switching ruby-sass node-sass, node-sass doesn't seem support of 3.3 sass syntax, need (specifically maps). before in ms range; never remember them being more 1s.

here task file sass:

var gulp         = require('gulp'); var sass         = require('gulp-ruby-sass'); var autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer'); var minifycss    = require('gulp-minify-css'); var notify       = require('gulp-notify'); var rename       = require('gulp-rename'); var handleerrors = require('../util/handleerrors'); var browsersync  = require('browser-sync');  gulp.task('styl', function() {     return gulp.src('styl/src/screen.scss')         .pipe(sass({sourcemap: false, style: 'compact'}))         .pipe(autoprefixer('last 2 version', 'safari 5', 'ie 8', 'ie 9', 'opera 12.1', 'ios 6', 'android 4'))         .pipe(gulp.dest('styl/bld'))         .pipe(rename({suffix: '.min'}))         .pipe(minifycss())         .pipe(gulp.dest('../bld'))         .pipe(notify({ message: 'styles task complete' }))         .pipe(browsersync.reload({ stream: true, notify: false }))         .on('error', handleerrors); }); 

here recent gulp run, also:

[11:56:22] starting 'setwatch'... [11:56:22] finished 'setwatch' after 44 μs [11:56:22] starting 'browserify'... [11:56:22] running 'bundle'... [11:56:22] starting 'uglify'... [11:56:22] finished 'uglify' after 11 ms [11:56:22] starting 'styl'... [11:56:24] finished 'bundle' in 1.76 s [11:56:24] finished 'browserify' after 1.76 s [11:56:38] finished 'styl' after 16 s [11:56:38] starting 'build'... [11:56:38] finished 'build' after 15 μs [11:56:38] starting 'browsersync'... [11:56:38] finished 'browsersync' after 6.28 ms [11:56:38] starting 'watch'... [11:56:38] finished 'watch' after 46 ms [11:56:38] starting 'default'... [11:56:38] finished 'default' after 32 μs [bs] proxy running. use url: [11:56:45] starting 'styl'... [bs] file changed: screen.min.css [bs] injecting file connected browsers... [11:57:05] finished 'styl' after 20 s 

the answer has nothing gulp, rather possible duplicate in comments links

i temporarily fixed switching susy 2.x susy 1.x. per kaij's comment in link referenced above, every use of span() in susy absolutely killing compile time: switch susy 1.x took me ~24s compile time ~4s compile time. i'm not sure if same issue relatable other frameworks, assume might be.

edit: further information on issue, specific susy:


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