oracle - How to use a Perl variable in a SQL script (using backticks) -

i have seen various examples unable use dbi. how use perl variable in external sql script? example code in perl script want be:

$text = 'germany'; @sql_output = `sqlplus -s user/pass\@databasename <<!  @/pathtofile/test.sql;   quit;   !`; print @sql_output; 

the sql script be:

select distinct city customers country = '$text' 

(just example, i'm using code comes sql tutorial

an example found through searching had:

@/pathtofile/test.sql $text; 

but did not work when tried code. correct way incorporate perl variable external sql script?

  1. define replacement variable(s)
  2. use them in here doc based on content of test.sql
  3. save test.sql
  4. execute backtick command


  • if want learn basic sql: install dbms gui allows interactive/ad hoc queries (eg sqlite/sqliteman/sqlite browser plugin, mysql/mysqlworkbench, access, oo/lo base, ...)
  • if want work oracle: concentrate on complete/working install (which includes dbd:oracle if scripting language perl)
