c# 4.0 - How to send/receive messages through a web socket on windows phone 8 using the class ClientWebSocket? -

the web socket written in javascript colleague. managed connect. first of have log in on application using test account. have send email , password through json. have installed json.net packet using nuget.

some code found on reaserch this, not understand how send data using segment.

var buffer = new byte[1024]; var segment = new arraysegment<byte>(buffer); websocket.sendasync(segment, websocketmessagetype.text, true, cancellationtoken.none); 

of course, can use object

user user=new user(); user.email="bla@bla.com"; user.password="pass"; string json = jsonconvert.serializeobject(user); 

but not of use because method sendasync accepts byte type on segment.

all want send data, , if log in succeeds, should receive other data (in json format) user.

as side note, quite new web sockets, used http protocols asp.net web api 2.

i have no idea windows phone 8, code pasted seems similar regular .net clientwebsocket, here have examples:

public static task sendstring(clientwebsocket ws, string data, cancellationtoken cancellation) {     var encoded = encoding.utf8.getbytes(data);     var buffer = new arraysegment<byte>(encoded, 0, encoded.length);     return ws.sendasync(buffer, websocketmessagetype.text, true, cancellation); }  public static async task<string> readstring(clientwebsocket ws) {     arraysegment<byte> buffer = new arraysegment<byte>(new byte[8192]);      websocketreceiveresult result = null;      using (var ms = new memorystream())     {                 {             result = await ws.receiveasync(buffer, cancellationtoken.none);             ms.write(buffer.array, buffer.offset, result.count);         }         while (!result.endofmessage);          ms.seek(0, seekorigin.begin);          using (var reader = new streamreader(ms, encoding.utf8))             return reader.readtoend();     } } 

if not compile or exists in wp8, find equivalent.
