Wicket Custom Pagination -

i have been trying trying implement

<< < (textbox) of (totalnumberofpages) > >>

any suggestions on

thanks in advance...

if looking pagination in dataview ,all need enable paging call setitemsperpage(int) on dataview.

check following example java code

    public class repeatingpage extends basepage {     private static final long serialversionuid = 1l;      /**      * constructor      */     public repeatingpage()     {         iterator<contact> contacts = new contactdataprovider().iterator(0, 10);          repeatingview repeating = new repeatingview("repeating");         add(repeating);          int index = 0;         while (contacts.hasnext())         {             abstractitem item = new abstractitem(repeating.newchildid());              repeating.add(item);             contact contact = contacts.next();              item.add(new actionpanel("actions", new detachablecontactmodel(contact)));             item.add(new label("contactid", string.valueof(contact.getid())));             item.add(new label("firstname", contact.getfirstname()));             item.add(new label("lastname", contact.getlastname()));             item.add(new label("homephone", contact.gethomephone()));             item.add(new label("cellphone", contact.getcellphone()));              final int idx = index;             item.add(attributemodifier.replace("class", new abstractreadonlymodel<string>()             {                 private static final long serialversionuid = 1l;                  @override                 public string getobject()                 {                     return (idx % 2 == 1) ? "even" : "odd";                 }             }));              index++;         }     } } 

html code

<wicket:extend xmlns:wicket="http://wicket.apache.org"> <br/><br/>  <table cellspacing="0" class="dataview">     <tr>         <th>actions</th>         <th>id</th>         <th>first name</th>         <th>last name</th>         <th>home phone</th>         <th>cell phone</th>     </tr>     <tr wicket:id="repeating">         <td><span wicket:id="actions">[actions]</span></td>         <td><span wicket:id="contactid">[contactid]</span> </td>         <td><span wicket:id="firstname">[firstname]</span></td>         <td><span wicket:id="lastname">[lastname]</span></td>         <td><span wicket:id="homephone">[homephone]</span></td>         <td><span wicket:id="cellphone">[cellphone]</span></td>     </tr> </table>  </wicket:extend> 

if need pagination in listview check pageablelistview
