SSIS, what is causing the slow performance? -

for source: ole db source - sql command

select -- destination table id has identity(1,1) didn't take here        [gsmuserid]       ,[gsmoperatorid]       ,[senderheader]       ,[senderno]       ,[senddate]       ,[errorcodeid]       ,[originalmessageid]       ,[outgoingsmsid]       ,24 [migratetypeid] --this static value   [mydb].[migrate].[mysource] (nolock) 

to destination: ole db destination

enter image description here

takes 5 or more minutes insert 1.000.000 data. unchecked check constraints

then, same ssis configurations wanted test table same destination table. so, re-create destination table (with same constrains except inside data) , named dbo.mydestination.

but takes 30 seconds or less complete same data same amount of data. why faster test table , not original table? because original table has 107.000.000 data?

check indexes/triggers/constraints etc. on destination table. these may slow things down considerably.

check ole db connection manager's packet size, set appropriately, can follow this article set right value.

if familiar of sql server profiler, use more insight happens when use re-created table insert data against original table.
