javascript - Is it possible to call two functions if ext.form.checkbox is checked? Or why my layers in openlayers won't re-order (both problems are linked) -

i have ext checkbox add layer on openlayers map. when layer added map.addlayer, appears @ end (on top) of layers (we can see in layerswitcher). want re-order them after create new layer. problem coming checkbox. launch function when checked, map won't added until function has ended (i don't know why). when add line re-order maps @ end of function, doesn't re-order maps @ (it seems because same still not created while inside function).

this code of checkbox:

new ext.form.checkbox({     title: extjs_gui_products_analyses_checkbox_title,     id: 'analyses_checkbox_extjs',     boxlabel: extjs_gui_products_analyses_checkbox_label,     inputvalue: extjs_gui_products_analyses_checkbox_label,     listeners: {         check: addanalyselayer // reordergmllayersontop     } }) 

i thought add line re-order in function then, , call after? made function named reordergmllayersontop , tried add check: reordergmllayersontop. it's not working (it crashes), suppose synthax wrong. checked ext manual , never says can call 2 functions. there way call 2 functions? , if yes, syntax so?

if not, have idea re-order layers after checkbox checked?

this code function add layer

function addanalyselayer(checkbox, checked){ if(checked){      ext.ajax.request({         url: './php/wms_validator.php',         params: {                     product: "analyse",                     timechop: timechoparray[currentstateindex],                     date: currentstatedate.getutcfullyear() + ('0' + (currentstatedate.getutcmonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + ('0' + currentstatedate.getutcdate()).slice(-2),                     type: currentstateperiod                 },         method: 'get',         success: function(result, request) {                                                 if (result.responsetext != "invalid") {                                                      map.addlayer(new openlayers.layer.wms(openlayers_wms_layer_analyses, cmcdataserver, {                                                         layers: analyseswmslayer[currentstateperiod],                                                         styles: analyseswmsstyle[currentstateperiod],                                                         format: "image/png",                                                         transparent: true,                                                         time: currentstatedate.getutcfullyear() + "-" + ('0' + (currentstatedate.getutcmonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + "-" + ('0' + currentstatedate.getutcdate()).slice(-2) + "t" + timechoparray[currentstateindex] + ":00:00z"                                                     },                                                     {                                                         opacity: opacitylevelanalyses,                                                         visibility: true                                                     }));                                                     ext.getcmp('analyses_validity_display_extjs').setvalue(extjs_gui_state_panel_valid_analyses);                                                    ext.getcmp('extjs_gui_legend_tab_panels').setactivetab(0);                                                  } else {                                                                                         //this user request insure users don't wait observation data doesn't exist                                                                                         ext.getcmp('analyses_validity_display_extjs').setvalue(extjs_gui_state_panel_invalid_analyses);                                                                                         ext.msg.alert(extjs_gui_analyses_missing_warning_title, extjs_gui_analyses_missing_warning);                                                                                         ext.getcmp('analyses_checkbox_extjs').setvalue(false);                                                 }                                             } });  }else if(map.getlayersbyname(openlayers_wms_layer_analyses).length!=0){     adjuststatepanelanalysesvalidity();     map.removelayer(map.getlayersbyname(openlayers_wms_layer_analyses)[0]); }     adjuststatepanelproducts(checkbox, checked);      //my test     map.raiselayer(map.getlayersbyname(openlayers_gml_layer_canada_bv)[0], map.getnumlayers()-1); } 

you can see //my test near end of code. tried, it's not re-ordering layers @ all. still, if type in console, re-orders layers want (well re-orders 1 layer, if works i'll mod have want).

so, have idea? can't seem find solution myself.

thanks anyway guys help.


i tried change order toggle function of other layer, code after changes

function togglecanadabv(){     if(map.getlayersbyname(openlayers_gml_layer_canada_bv)[0].getvisibility()){         map.getlayersbyname(openlayers_gml_layer_canada_bv)[0].setvisibility(false);     }else{         map.getlayersbyname(openlayers_gml_layer_canada_bv)[0].setvisibility(true);         map.setlayerindex(map.getlayersbyname(openlayers_gml_layer_canada_bv)[0], 700);         map.raiselayer(map.getlayersbyname(openlayers_gml_layer_canada_bv)[0], map.getnumlayers()-1);     } } 

but it's still not doing want @ all... don't understand.

i tried check layer (that add in function) @ end of function, , it's undefined if add in function...

finally, tried place button trigger function, , works. function correct when launched outside checkbox or toggles...

finally, have no idea why not re-order "other" layer, found solution @ least.

i added map.raiselayer(map.getlayersbyname(openlayers_wms_layer_analyses)[0], -map.getnumlayers()); after add layer, create layer @ start of index order. way, else on top. if have similar problem, hope guys.


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